Walk the line: Leleg hiking trail in Bodrum
The Leleg Route project (Bodrum Leleg Yolu) marks the most interesting nature walks and made the routes easy to follow.

A long, lone hike can inspire great thinkers, artists, and creative souls. Even adventureless, a simple hike can turn into a plot for a book or a movie, where the character’s journey takes him or her into the inner self rather than to a geographical destination in particular. Either way, this basic activity is also a great way to spend a day in nature, and in 2016 it received a major boost from Bodrum Municipality and Bodrum Chamber of Commerce. The project named Bodrum Leleg Yolu is peninsula’s first hiking trail, inspired by the Leleg tribe.

Hiking around Bodrum has never been easier thanks to the Leleg Route project, which marked the most interesting nature walks and made the routes easy to follow. If you’re interested in giving the route a try, here are some useful tips based on the short tryout we gave the trail.

Leleg Yolu

Preparing for the hike

  • Bring company. The paths mostly lead through uninhabited areas and there are several points along the way with no cell reception, so in case of emergency you might have to rely on your hiking partner.
  • Plan for your fitness level and for the way back, too. If the sign says your destination is 5km away, keep in mind that you’ll have to make another five on your way back. If you’re not entirely sure how far you can go, basic pedometer apps and fitness trackers can help you estimate the distance suitable for you, comparing to what you normally walk on a daily basis.
  • Understand the altitude. Weather conditions may slightly differ between your starting point and your destination. Don’t get surprised by unexpected rain.
  • Nature hike is nothing like an evening stroll in Moda. Your shoes should be able to handle some minor rock climbing. Even on a summer day you might consider wearing long trousers as the trail leads through the forest.
  • Bring enough water and food for the entire route, depending on how far you’re planning to hike.
  • Find a suitable starting point: if you need to get there by car, make sure it is a suitable location to park. On our hike, we parked in front of Zip Zip Kahvalti in Camlik. Alternative spot on the other side of Bodrum peninsula is Sevket Sabanci park in Turgutreis.

On the way of Leleg hiking trail

  • As you go, there are signs along the route informing you about the distance in front of you, behind you, and paths available in the area. Since the detailed map of the entire route is not going to be ready this season, you can make your plan along the way.
  • Hiking trail markers are your best orientation points since you cannot rely on your internet-based navigation system. Always keep an eye on them, and when in doubt – look for the next one at your sight.
  • Keep in mind that none of the signs inform you about the changing elevation level, therefore, you have to always be prepared for walking up or down an unexpected hill.
  • Be respectful to the nature and don’t leave any garbage behind.

Join the community Bodrum Leleg Youlu on Facebook, where you can find the latest information about the trail and group hiking activities.

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